MATLAB: Pass data in subcells in a cell array to double-type data

cell arraydoublesubcell

I have a cell array with 5 columns and the same number of rows. Two of the columns comprise text-data (char type), other two columns comprise numbers (double type) and one column has sub-cells which are in their turn numbers too (double type). I am used to work with cell-arrays with both text and numbers, but I am having difficulties to go on with my code with the sub-cells in one of the columns. Does someone know how to change the sub-cells to regular double-type elements?
Thank you

Best Answer

If your data looks like this:
A={'a' 'b' 1 2 {3};'c' 'd' 4 5 {6}}
A(:,5)=cellfun(@(x) x{1} ,A(:,5),'un',0)