MATLAB: Extract subcell array in a single cell array

cellcell arraycell arraysforfor looptextscan

Hi I have 25000 file txt and I wrote the below code to read all the txt extract all the value and than I will use for some calculation.
The problem is that at the moment I have valC that is composed by 25000cell and each cell is composed by <14×1>cell. I would like to remove one level or extract the 14value of each cell for 25000times in a single 25000x14cell. Is it possible?
fileList = dir('*.txt');
nameFile = cell(1, numel(fileList)); % Pre-allocate!
for i = 1:numel(fileList)
NAME = fileList(i).name; % [EDITED]
nameFile{i} = NAME;
fid = fopen(NAME);
valC(i) = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', ',');
val = valC;

Best Answer

fileList = dir('*.txt');
nameFile = {}; % Pre-allocate!
data = cell(numel(fileList), 14);
for i = 1:numel(fileList)
fid = fopen(nameFile{i});
valC = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', ',');
data(i, :) = transpose(valC{1});
I cannot test this, because I do not have your data files. So please debug this and post, if there are problems.
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