MATLAB: Part of deployed GUI not shown on some screen resolutions


Hi all,
I have a problem with a deployed GUI created through guide.
When deployed to a system with the same screen resolution as the one it was created on, everything works fine. But if I run the deployed application on another resolution (fewer pixels, e.g. 1366×768 instead of HD), part of the GUI is not shown. All elements are more or less equally large on both systems, but part of the GUI seems to have been clipped. The top 10% of the GUI is cut off.
All UI elements have units "characters". I'm using MATLAB r2014a. Resizing is not configured. The GUI has 3 tabs and >200 UI elements (thus very large, and I prefer not to reconfigure everything…).
What is the easiest workaround? I don't particularly care for dynamic resizing by the user, but the GUI should show properly on all screen resolutions…
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Then most likely the elements of the GUI have a fixed size in 'character' units, but the figure has not, but the size is defined relative to the screen size in 'normalized' units. To solve tis, define the figure with a fixed size also.