MATLAB: Using GUIDE GUI was build in Matlab 2014b but now not opening properly in 2016b

MATLAB Compilermatlab functionmatlab gui

I had made GUI in guide with Matlab 2014b now opening it is 2016a but some buttons are not shown on screen. Is this due to screen size? (because I had made this GUI on a PC having 22" screen size and now opening it on a 15" Screen)
Does the Matlab automatically scales the objects used in GUI (e.g. Axes etc) when opened on different screen size/resolution?

Best Answer

You can defined the figure position and size relative to the screen or with absolute coordinates, see 'normalized' or 'pixel' units. The same can be done with all GUI elements like axes, uipanel and uicontrol relative to the figure. Therefore I is possible, that the layout depend on the screen size.