MATLAB: Parfor failed to deserialize data.

Parallel Computing Toolboxparfor

I tried to run a program using parfor. The code looks like
matlabpool open local 3
parfor i=1:n
matlabpool close
where n is about 150000. I have tested the code, when n is small, it works perfectly. However, when I increased n to 150000, it did finished about 2/3 of the parfor loop, the error occur. The error message is
Error using distcompdeserialize Failed to deserialize data.
The machine I used is SunX4100, 4 AMD Opteron and 8Gb memory (2Gb each). The operating system is CentOS 6 and matlab version is R2013a.
Cheers, YP

Best Answer

it seems like a worker is sending back data to MATLAB which is corruped or too big. keep in mind the size limitation of transfering data between MATLAB and the worker:
64-bit: 2.0 GB
32-bit: 600 MB
Can you share code which raises this error? Do you get that error also when running the code on a different machine?