MATLAB: Parfor and function call using scatteredInterpolant

interpolationMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

First of all, note that I've read this: but it doesn't help me…
My script looks something like this:
function main
global myinterp
parfor i=1:length(x)
function result=myfun(x,y)
global myinterp
Of course this doesn't work and gives an Error: Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals
However, if I impicitly define the function before the parfor loop as
myfun=@(x,y) myinterp(x,y);
parfor i=1:length(x)
everything works fine.
Unfortunately my actual function looks far more complicated and it would be kind of messy to write the function (and all the other functions it calls) implicitly.
Is there any way to make my 1st example work? I believe I would have to pass the interpolation handle as an additional parameter somehow and evaluate it. But I wasn't able to find an evaluation method for the "scatteredInterpolant" – object.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I found a workaround I guess by simply passing the interpolation object as an additional parameter. However, I'm not sure if this is really the best way to achieve this regarding communication of data. Ideally the interpolation object is broadcasted only once, but is matlab smart enough to recognize that its a constant quantitiy and doesn't need to be communicated every iteration?

Best Answer

I'm not that familiar with scatteredInterpolant, but I concocted the following which shows I think the sort of thing you're after:
% Use scatteredInterpolant example from the documentation
t = linspace(3/4*pi,2*pi,50)';
x = [3*cos(t); 2*cos(t); 0.7*cos(t)];
y = [3*sin(t); 2*sin(t); 0.7*sin(t)];
v = repelem([-0.5; 1.5; 2],length(t));
F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,v);
% Make a parallel.pool.Constant from 'F'
Fc = parallel.pool.Constant(F);
% Use 'Fc' inside parfor
tq = linspace(3/4*pi+0.2,2*pi-0.2,40)';
parfor idx = 1:numel(tq)
thisTq = tq(idx);
xq(idx) = 2.8*cos(thisTq);
yq(idx) = 2.8*sin(thisTq);
vq(idx) = useInterpolant(Fc.Value, xq(idx), yq(idx));
% Evaluate the scatteredInterpolant
function z = useInterpolant(F, x, y)
z = F(x,y);
Note that the use of parallel.pool.Constant is only required if you're going to use the same large value in multiple parfor loops. parfor is already smart enough not to copy "broadcast" variables more than necessary for a single loop.