MATLAB: Parcluster issue Matlab 2018a


I have Matlab 2018a installed on my machine. While trying to create a cluster object using the function parcluster, its throwing an error. The cluster profile points to a server with Matlab R2015b.
I am getting the below message. Error Report: Could not connect to any MJS clusters called "MyCluster" running on "QAServer". Your version of MATLAB is R2018a.
It runs fine from my colleague's machine where Matlab R2015b is installed (same version as that of the server). Could I get some help please?

Best Answer

The version of MATLAB used as your client must match exactly the version on the cluster. This is mentioned in the documentation which states that you should:
"Install MATLAB Distributed Computing Serverâ„¢ for each release that the cluster supports. For example, to use R2016a and R2016b with your cluster, install both the R2016a and R2016b releases of MATLAB Distributed Computing Server."
In other words, to use a client MATLAB version of R2018a, you must have R2018a installed on the cluster.