MATLAB: Is Matlab Distributed Computing Server license required after R2014a

MATLABMATLAB Parallel Serverparallel computing

MATLAB has lifted the limit on the number of local workers (earlier it was 12) after R2014a version. So, without having a MDC server licence, can I run my code on a cluster (remember that the cluster or server has MATLAB installed but no MDC server licence) with more than 12 cores? Say 64 cores? (given that I am permitted by my academic institution for such number of cores).
I have Parallel Computing Toolbox in my local computer with 4 cores (Desktop).

Best Answer

No. Parallel Computing Toolbox enables you to use cores on the local machine and not a cluster, if you don't have MATLAB Distributed Computing Server on the cluster.
So, if you want to submit parallel MATLAB calculations to the cluster, MATLAB Distributed Computing Server is necessary on the cluster.