MATLAB: Parameters for backscatterRadarTarget and its target

Phased Array System Toolboxweather simulation example

in the example "Simulating a Polarimetric Radar Return for Weather Observation"
azpatangs = [-180 180];
elpatangs = [-90 90];
target = phased.BackscatterRadarTarget('EnablePolarization',true,…
  1. angle parameter in the following code "ang_az" should be in the range of the previous defined "azpatangs" ?
" tgtsig = target(txsig,[ang_az;zeros(size(ang_az))],axes);"
2. "ShhPattern" should be the pattern defined with azpatanges and elpatangs?

Best Answer

For question 1, the answer is no. However, the RCS pattern is only defined within the range specified by azpatangs and elpatangs. Therefore, for any angle beyond that region, the return is 0.
For question 2, the answer is yes. More precisely, the pattern region is defined by the parameters AzimuthAngles and ElevationAngles in BackscatterRadarTarget. In this case, they happen to be azpatangs and elpatangs.