MATLAB: How to convert [-90 90] range of elevation angel in imgradient3 to [0 , 180]

azimuth and elevationconvertgradient

I'm trying to use [Gmag,Gazimuth,Gelevation] = imgradient3(I) but the range of Gazimuth and Gelevation are [-180 180] and [-90 90], respectively.
I need Gazimuth and Gelevation to be in range of [0 360] and [0 180], respectively.
As I know, wrapTo360 Wrap angle in degrees to [0 360], So can I use this function to convert Gazimuth? Right?
Beside, wrapTo180 Wrap angle in degrees to [-180 180] but I need [0 180]. Can I convert [-90 90] to [0 180] as follow:
lambda = [-90 90];
positiveInput = (lambda > 0);
lambda = mod(lambda, 180);
lambda((lambda == 0) & positiveInput) = 180;

Best Answer

Try this:
Angles180 = @(a) rem(180+a, 360)-90;
Result = Angles180([-90, 0, 90])
Result =
0 90 180