MATLAB: Output result in a format.


Hello, I would like to let Matlab output the result, the result is several rows, on each row there is name(string), time(string) and value(numeric), however due to the length of each variable of each row, the length varies. So results can be:
'Sun66taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:02' [80.5353]
'I H2 taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:46' [16.6542]
'Prax taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:39' [3.0374]
'Dken' '22-Jul-2013 14:50:40' [18.3594]
'Staken' '22-Jul-2013 12:13:50' [0]
'Wilken' '22-Jul-2013 14:50:40' [0.7917]
The command I used is : str=[tag_names(i), num2str(datestr(time{1}(m))), value{1}(m)]; How to modify the code to make it show in a beautiful format, like in Excel, each variable has its fixed blank and no indent.

Best Answer

C = {'Sun66taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:02' [80.5353]; ...
'I H2 taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:46' [16.6542]; ...
'Prax taken' '22-Jul-2013 14:51:39' [3.0374]; ...
'Dken' '22-Jul-2013 14:50:40' [18.3594]; ...
'Staken' '22-Jul-2013 12:13:50' [0]; ...
'Wilken' '22-Jul-2013 14:50:40' [0.7917]}
CT = C.';
sprintf('%-12s%-22s%g\n', CT{:})