MATLAB: OUtput names same as input names

for loopinputoutput

Hi Everybody,
I have 150 images as you know each image has name. the output will be 150 image. how to use for loop to save output image with same name of inputs.
Thanks for your help

Best Answer

As soon as you are able to get the list of input names, it is trivial to use them as output names also. So maybe your question is, how you get the names of the input files? Then see FAQ: Process a sequence of files.
InFolder = 'D:\Your\Folder\';
OutFolder = 'D:\Your\Folder\';
DirList = dir(fullfile(InFolder, '*.jpg'));
for iFile = 1:numel(DirList)
InFile = fullfile(InFolder, DirList(iFile).name);
% Maybe you want to create the output in another folder?
OutFile = fullfile(OuFolder, DirList(iFile).name);