MATLAB: Optimization problem with a function of 2 parameters

2 parametersMATLABoptimisationquadratic

I have a function with h, t parameters. And i want to find the values of the parameters that minimise the function. My function is quadratic and i have inequalities for the 2 parameters. h=[1.1;inf]; and t=[1000;10000];
I am trying to use the fmincon function as i have constrained nonlinear multivariable function but i dont find an example of a function with 2 parameters. Can you write an example of fmincon function for a function with 2 parameters? Can you tell me how can i find the 'x0' value?

Best Answer

TC = @(x) (QC(x(1))+FC(x(2))+ RC)/E(x(2));
lb = [1.5e-5,1000];
ub = [2.5e-5,100000];
sol = fmincon(TC,[2e-5,10000],[],[],[],[],lb,ub)