MATLAB: Setting lower and upper bounds in ‘ga’ algorithm.

genetic algorithmGlobal Optimization Toolboxoptimization

I am trying to find the global minimum of the Ackley function using a genetic algorithm 'ga'. My code works fine until i try to add lower and upper bounds then I get errors. Please help me add the bounds to my code.
function y = myFitness(x)
y = -20.*exp(-0.2.*sqrt(0.5.*(x(1).^2+ x(2).^2))) - exp(0.5.*(cos(2.*pi.*x(1)))+(cos(2.*pi.*x(2))))+exp(1)+20;
FitFcn = @myFitness;
nvars = 2;
lb = [-5 5];
ub = [5 5];
[x, fval] = ga(FitFcn, nvars)

Best Answer

See the lb and ub arguments: For example
FitFcn = @myFitness;
nvars = 2;
lb = [-5 5];
ub = [5 5];
[x, fval] = ga(FitFcn, nvars, [], [], [], [], lb, ub)