MATLAB: Opposite of repmat() ? Collapse an array with repetitions


I have an array (3 by X by Y) that is like this that I would like to collapse:
6 2 1
6 2 1
6 2 1
(let's say 32 times more)...
7 9 8
7 9 8
7 9 8
(again 32 times more)
2 1 2
2 1 2
2 1 2
(and again, and more times)...
I would like to collapse it to
6 2 1
7 9 8
2 1 2
Any suggestions? I figure there is an easy way to do that (perhaps with reshape()?) but haven't figured it out.

Best Answer

I would use the unique function with the 'rows' option, although you may have to iterate over the third (‘page’) dimension in a for loop.