MATLAB: How to build a new matrix

arraymatrix manipulationmultiple

I have a matrix
a = [4;6;8;2;8;2];
And I want it to be like:
b = [7;8;11;12;15;16;3;4;15;16;3;4];
Matrix b is calculated based on following formula:
7 = 4*2-1
8 = 4*2
11 = 6*2-1
12 = 6*2
15 = 8*2-1
16 = 8*2
3 = 2*2-1
4 = 2*2
15 = 8*2-1
16 = 8*2
3 = 2*2-1
4 = 2*2

Best Answer

Something like
b = reshape(bsxfun(@minus,2*repmat(a,1,2),[1 0])',1,[])