MATLAB: Ode45 , order arguments

ode45order arguments

I am getting these two errors when i run my code. I rececntly used the code for a different problem with no questions. How can i get it to run.
Error in ode45 (line 115)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in quartercar (line 37)
[time, state_values] = ode45(sdot,tspan,IC);
This is my code,
function quartercar
k1 = 80000; %N/m

k2 = 500000;%N/m
m1 = 2500; %kg

m2 = 320; %kg
b1 = 350; %Ns/m

b2 = 15020; %Ns/m
rd = @(time) 0.15*sin(time)^2;
rdprime = @(time) 0.15*sin(2*time);
%Initial Conditions
xone0 = 0; vone0 = 0;
xtwo0 = 0; vtwo0 = 0;
IC = [xone0, vone0, xtwo0, vtwo0];
%Time Span
t0 = 0; tf = 10;
tspan = [t0,tf];
%sdot = g(t,s) state variable
sdot = @(t,s) ...
(-1/m1)*((k1*(s(1)-s(3))) + (b1*(s(2)-s(4))));
((k1*(s(1)-s(3)) + b1*(s(2)-s(4)) -k2*(s(3)-rd) -b2*(s(4)-rdprime))/m2)];
i am guessing the problem is here
%Numerical Intergration
[time, state_values] = ode45(sdot,tspan,IC);
xone = state_values(:,1);
vone = state_values(:,2);
xtwo = state_values(:,3);
vtwo = state_values(:,4);
xlabel('time (s)')
ylabel('displacement (m)')
title('Displacement vs Time')
grid on

Best Answer

function quartercar
k1 = 80000; %N/m

k2 = 500000;%N/m
m1 = 2500; %kg

m2 = 320; %kg
b1 = 350; %Ns/m

b2 = 15020; %Ns/m
rd = @(time) 0.15*sin(time)^2;
rdprime = @(time) 0.15*sin(2*time);
%Initial Conditions
xone0 = 0; vone0 = 0;
xtwo0 = 0; vtwo0 = 0;
IC = [xone0, vone0, xtwo0, vtwo0];
%Time Span
t0 = 0; tf = 10;
tspan = [t0,tf];
%sdot = g(t,s) state variable
sdot = @(t,s) ...
(-1/m1)*((k1*(s(1)-s(3))) + (b1*(s(2)-s(4))));
((k1*(s(1)-s(3)) + b1*(s(2)-s(4)) -k2*(s(3)-rd(t)) -b2*(s(4)-rdprime(t)))/m2)]; %CHANGED
%Numerical Intergration
[time, state_values] = ode45(sdot,tspan,IC);
xone = state_values(:,1);
vone = state_values(:,2);
xtwo = state_values(:,3);
vtwo = state_values(:,4);
xlabel('time (s)')
ylabel('displacement (m)')
title('Displacement vs Time')
grid on