MATLAB: How to plot a time vs x-Displacement graph


I am fairly new to MatLab and currently trying to learn it as I go along. here is the code I have writen so far. Did I write the code correctly or is there another way to do this (more efficently) .
function New_Code1
g = 9.81; % acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
m = 2; % mass of weight (kg)
L = .5; % Length of Bar AB (m)
%Initial Conditions (IC)
x0 = 0; % Initial starting point(m)
x_dot0 = 0; % inital velocity (m/s)
theta0 = 60; % initial starting angle (degrees)
theta_dot0 = 0; % intial angular velocity (rad/s)
%I_alpha = (115/48)*m*L^2; % mass moment of inertial as caculated
IC = [x0, x_dot0, theta0, theta_dot0];
%Time Span
t0 = 0; %inital time (s)
tf =10; % Final time (s)
tspan = [t0,tf];
%sdot = general_function_of(t,s)
sdot = @(t,s) ...
[s(2);(5/6)*L*(((theta_dot0)^2)*sind(s(3))*tf + (24/23)*(g/L)*cosd(s(3))*sind(s(3)))*tf; s(4) ; -(24/23)*(g/L)*sind(s(3))*tf];
%sdot = @(t,s) ...
%[(5/6)*L*(((s(4))^2)*sind(s(3)) + (24/23)*(g/L)*cosd(s(3))*sind(s(3))); 0; -(24/23)*(g/L)*sind(s(3)); 0];
% calling ode45
[time, state_values] = ode45(sdot, tspan,IC);
x = state_values (:,1);
v = state_values (:,2);
theta = state_values(:,3);
omega = state_values(:,4);
figure(1), clf
plot(time,x), xlabel('Time (seconds)'), ylabel('displacement (m)')
title('X-Displacements VS Time')
figure(2), clf
plot(time,theta), xlabel('Time (seconds)'), ylabel('\theta (Degree)')
title('\theta VS Time')
figure(3), clf
plot(time,v), xlabel('Time (seconds)'), ylabel('Velocity (m/s)')
title('Velocity (X_dot) VS Time')
figure(4), clf
plot(time,omega), xlabel('Time (seconds)'), ylabel('\theta_dot (Degree)')
title('Angular Veolocity VS Time')

Best Answer

Your code is well structured. It used ode45, so it is as fast as it can get in MATLAB. It is unlikely that you can improve the performance significantly as compared to the current code.