MATLAB: Ode45 is not evluated at requried interval


I'm trying to run the following code for solving the linear 2nd order ODE y''=y+1; for 0<=x<=10, with boundary condituions y(0)=1, y(10)=0, and a step size of h=0.01. I give only the first part of the code, because this is where I face this issue.
The code was pretty much used as is from this page :
clear all; clc;
y1=[1 1];
syms y(x)
[V] = odeToVectorField(diff(y, 2) == (y+1));
M = @(x,Y)[Y(2); Y(1)+1];
the solution I get is:
sol1 =
struct with fields:
solver: 'ode45'
extdata: [1×1 struct]
x: [0 0.0100 0.0600 0.3100 1.1195 2.1035 3.1035 4.1035 5.1035 6.1035 7.1035 8.1035 9.1035 10]
y: [2×14 double]
stats: [1×1 struct]
idata: [1×1 struct]
The question is why the resulting y vector is solved for the given x and not in the intervals I specified in xspan?
I know ode45 solves for its own step size, but as far as I understand it is still supposed to be evaluated in the intreval above mentioned
Thanks so much in advance

Best Answer

you get this if you specify the ode45 call this way:
[x, y]=ode45(M,xspan,y1);
Note that this forces Matlab to calculate much more points as needed with respect to a solution inside the tolerance range.
Best regards
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