MATLAB: Odd initial figure behavior in R2016b

figure defaultfigurepositionMATLAB

Just installed matlab R2016b(64bit) on Fedora 25 and found that the figure command exhibits a strange behavior: the figure shows up in the top left corner of my screen momentarily and then jumps to the position set by 'DefaultFigurePosition'. Quite annoying. How do I get the figure to display in the right place initially?

Best Answer

As MathWorks officially did not support all flavors of linux (check this link for supported platforms)
All functions may or may not work as expected.
Possible work around for the issue is,
copy the following command to startup.m file in MATLAB’s Startup Folder (or create a new 'startup.m' if one does not already exist)
>> set(0,'defaultfigureposition',[800 650 560 420]);
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