MATLAB: Obtain numbers from mixed cells

cellextract numbers from stringsstringxlsread

I'm trying to import data from excel using xlsread command. In the original data, I have humidity values which are represented as for example "81 %". Matlab does not see this expression when I use
data = xlsread('filename.xlsx')
command. Then I tried
[num,str] = xlsread('filename.xlsx').
Now, num is an empty matrix and str is a vector of cells containing values such as 81 % in each cell.
I only want to obtain the value either as 0.81 or 81, it does not matter which I can obtain.
Can you help me obtain only the numbers from this vector of cells? Thanks!

Best Answer

[num,str] = xlsread('fic.xlsx')
out=cellfun(@(x) str2double(x{:}),out)
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