MATLAB: Obtain column value for lowest element in each row of an 2D array

column valueMATLAB

I have a 2D array 20 X 10 double. Each row has a lowest figure. I am trying to obtain the column value of the minimum element in each row. I do not need the row value, just the column value. I have searched an been able to find the minimum value but the forums do not show a way of obtaining individual row or column figures for a set value. Assistance appreciated

Best Answer

If you want to get the column indices, then this is the second output from min, when you work along the second dimension:
[vec,idc] = min(A,[],2)
For example:
>> A = randi(9,3,4)
A =
3 9 6 3
9 6 3 2
6 3 6 7
>> [vec,idc] = min(A,[],2)
vec =
idc =
vec contains the minimum values for each row. idc contains the corresponding column indices.