MATLAB: Minimum row value and return the row


i need to find a minimum row value in a matrix. eg
A=[12 64 76; 34 10 27; 9 8 20; 10 30 8]
And the desired output would be min value of row = [9 8 20] which is row number 3.
is there any function can do this? I noticed that min () function is used to find the minimum value in a row NOT minimum row value.

Best Answer

Do you mean to say, you want the row with the minimum maximum value?
A=[12 64 76; 34 10 27; 9 8 20; 10 30 8];
[value,ind] = min(max(A,[],2));
ans =
9 8 20
A = [ 7 9 5; 3 8 7; 4 5 6]
[value,ind] = min(max(A,[],2));
ans =
4 5 6