MATLAB: NxN Matrix with sinusoidal element values


I would like to create an N x N matrix with its entries to have values in a shape of a sinus curve when ploted. E.g.: let's take an arbitrary number for the first entry value of the first row. The second value is increased and so on, until the values drop again to a minimum, from which entry on they go up again and so on and so forth…until the N-th entry is reached. This is for the rows. For the column entries I would like to have the same. How can this be achieved?

Best Answer

I am not certain what you want. This takes the sin function on the x and y values separately:
x = linspace(0, 4*pi);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
Z = sin(X) + sin(Y);
surf(X, Y, Z)
grid on