MATLAB: “No help found” for built-in functions or user defined functions in R2014a

help commandr2014a

The help command isn't working for me in R2014a, for my own functions or for built-in Matlab functions. For example:
>> which time_mean
>> help time_mean
No help found for time_mean.m.
However, when I type the exact same thing into an older version of Matlab on another computer (R2013b), it works perfectly and I get all the help info that is commented in the beginning of the function. The help command isn't working for built-in Matlab functions either, for example:
>> which sum
built-in (/opt/matlab/toolbox/matlab/datafun/@uint8/sum) % uint8 method
>> help sum
No help found for sum.m.
Any ideas what is causing this and how to fix it? It is very inconvenient to have to open each function in the editor in order to see the list of input arguments and other info that would normally be provided by the help command. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Best Answer

You need to reset the path:
rehash toolboxcache
This should take care of it.