MATLAB: New install: Undefined function ‘isstring’ for input arguments of type ‘char’.


I just installed Matlab 2015 and get the following error upon starting the program:
> In matlabrc (line 228)
Undefined function 'isstring' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in fileparts (line 41)
if isstring(file)
The same "Undefined function 'isstring'…" appears in a dialog box whenever I try to open any script or function. However I know that I have isstring…
>> which isstring
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a\toolbox\matlab\codetools\@mtree\isstring.m % mtree method
I have 2019a installed on my machine and it works perfectly fine.

Best Answer

I think you have a fileparts.m that you downloaded or wrote on your path ahead of the one included in MATLAB. When I opened release R2015a line 41 was:
ind = find(file == '/'|file == '\', 1, 'last');
Check which fileparts function you're running:
which -all fileparts