MATLAB: Nchoosek with multiple arrays

#nchoosekcombinations matlab

Is is possible to use nchoosek in such a way that will keep information for more than one column vector? For example, I have a 33×3 matrix and I'd like to find all possible combinations of trios for the first column, then run calculations on the data from the other two columns associated with each member of the trio from the first column.
Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Simply generate a matrix of indices:
idx = nchoosek(1:33,3);
and then for each row in that matrix perform your calculations, where M is your matrix:
for k = 1:size(idx,1)
ix = idx(k,:);
v1 = M(ix,1); % column 1
v2 = M(ix,2); % column 2
v3 = M(ix,3); % column 3
... do whatever with those vectors