MATLAB: Generate large nchoosek in batches

#nchoosekbatchescombinationsMATLABsequence generation

I would like to generate all possible combinations of a binary vector, I’ve tried using nchoosek and it does what I want it to do, but I run out of memory if I have a k value of more than about 4.
Is there any way that I can put the nchoosek in a loop and trade speed for memory usage by generating the combinations in batches instead of all at once?
Say I need
is there a clever way to evaluate say the first 20% of the combinations, do what I need to do with them and then throw them away before I generate the next 20% of the nchoosek(1:200,5) sequence?

Best Answer

No. Nchoosek is not written in any way to allow you to choose only some reduced subset. In fact, the set of 200 bit binary numbers has a HUGE number of subsets with 5 bits set. I debated showing you how to write such a code, but then you would immediately want to compute combinations of 6 or 7 or 50 of the elements from that set in batches, and you would very quickly overwhelm even a batched version.
The set of combinations that you want to generate gets HUGE, and does so very quickly.
I'll relent just a tiny bit though. The set that you want to generate is simple enough to compute.
Consider if bit 1 is set. Then you need to generate all sets of 199 bits, with exactly 4 of them chosen. You already know how to do this. If bit 1is not set, then you need to generate all possible subsets of 5 bits, choosing from 199 bits. So you can do the whole thing recursively, until the sets become small enough to generate.