MATLAB: \n Not Generating New Line In fprintf fid Command When Writing To .dat File

appendfidfilefprintfnew linewrite

I have a loop going and am trying to write output each time to a .dat text file appending it every iteration; but not getting a new line.
for minute = 18:1:48
thetaL = 15*(hour+minute/60+second/3600);
h = thetaL-alpha;
a = asin(sin(phi0)*sin(beta)+cos(phi0)*cos(beta)*cos(h));
A = atan((sin(h))/(cos(h)*sin(phi0)-tan(beta)*cos(phi0)));
fid = fopen('astro_conv_table.dat', 'a');
fprintf(fid, '%.0f %s %.0f %s %.0f %.0f %.0f
Everything in the code is working fine except the output is written to file in one long line as opposed to intended new line every iteration.
Thank you.

Best Answer

I assume you are in Windows. The return of carriage for Windows is "\r\n". Try changing that. Otherwise, use wordpad instead of notepad. Or get any decent text editor, like notepad++, which is free.