MATLAB: Solve a vector of independent equations with only one variable

solve a vector of equationssolve command/ solve system of equations

Could anyone please guide me as to how solve this system of vector equations(EQ), so it would give me a vector of solutions for d? I just get 0!!!It is worthy to note that phi and n are double parameters and beta(i) is a vector of numbers defined previously.
syms d
EQ = cos(beta(i))+(((sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180))/d)-0.2;

Best Answer

EQ = cos(beta(i))+(((sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180))/d)-0.2;
Your beta and phi are constants, and the implied equation for solve is that the value must equal 0. So we have
0 == cos(beta(i))+(((sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180))/d)-0.2
0.2 == cos(beta(i)) + (((sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180))/d)
0.2 - cos(beta(i)) == sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180) / d
d = sin(beta(i)))*tan(phi*pi/180) / (0.2 - cos(beta(i)))
Giving you the vectorized calculation
d = sin(beta) .* tan(phi*pi/180) ./ (0.2 - cos(beta));
No solve() needed.