MATLAB: My while loop is killing me…

MATLABwhile loop

When the script finishes processing the data, it asks the user whether it should run again to process more data, or it should just end.
This should be a simple while loop, but somehow, I am struggling with it…
Here is my code:
repeatVar = 'yes';
while repeatVar == 'yes'
%data processing goes here
repeatVar = questdlg('Do you want to use this script to process another file?','Yes','No','No');
Where is the error?

Best Answer

Couple thoughts.
1. Your questdlg only displays a 'No' option. The 'Yes' is being interpretted as the title.
You want something more like
repeatVar = questdlg('Do you want to use this script to process another file?','Run Again','Yes','No','No');
2. Your button is 'Yes' (note the capitalization). Your while loop is comparing to 'yes' (again, note the capitalization). These are not equivalent, so your loop never repeats. When comparing text, it is better to use strcmpi (or related function).
while strcmpi(repeatVar,'yes')