MATLAB: Questdlg loop


Hi, i'm using questdlg for asking wether the drawn polygon by user is right or wrong.for example,if i press 'Yes' then it will retrieve the coordinate position of the polygon. but if i press 'No' it will delete the drawn polygon and the user can draw a new polygon. and it will be repeated as long as the user click 'No'and will stop until user click 'Yes' and then the 'Yes' answer will give the position of the polygon.
i try using the switch command to do that. but it won't do the loop for the answer 'No'
here is the script that i wrote
axis ([0 100 0 100])
hold on
ButtonName = questdlg('Do you want to save the polygon?',...
'Save Polygon',...
switch ButtonName,
case 'Yes',
case 'No',
ButtonName = questdlg('Do you want to save the polygon?',...
'Save Polygon',...
how can i create the loop for the answer 'No'? Thanks in advance!! 😀

Best Answer

You need to use the while-loop to do that.
while ~isequal(ButtonName,'Yes')
%include your switch-case code here