MATLAB: My Excel writing program does not stop

excel writing problemprogram continue to run for everprogram does not stop automaticallywriting arrays in excel file

I have two arrays of vextors V1 and V2. Array V1 has 100 row vectos and array V2 has 100 row vectors. i,e, each vector is a row vector and is of 4 elements, i.e.
V1=[1 2 3 4]
[2 1 4 1]
[15 8 0]
upto 100
V2=[1 5 7 9]
[1.2 3.4 5.1 6.1]
[2.4 6.1 7.1 9.2]
up to 100
I want to write vectors of array V1 in column A and vectors of array2 in column D of excel file.I have written the following program:
for n=1:100
for jj=1:size(strV1,1)
xlswrite(filename, cellstr(strV1(jj,:)), 'Sheet1', ['A',num2str(jj)]);
for ll=1:size(strV2,1)
xlswrite(filename, cellstr(strV2(ll,:)), 'Sheet1', ['D',num2str(ll)]);
The above program works well, but it does not stop by itself. it continues to run even if you allow it to run for several days. I want that when the task is finished, the program stops automatically because often I have to press CTRL+C several times, only then it stops and when I check the excel file, it has written those vectors already but still it continues to run. What is the problem with this program?

Best Answer

It this a success?
V1 = randi(100,5,5);
for i = 1:size(V1,1)
vv1 = { num2str(V1(i,:)) };
xlswrite('data.xls',vv1,'sheet1',['B' num2str(i+1)])
I gave an idea from here