MATLAB: Mxn to MxN image interpolation

image processinginterpolation

For a project I'm asked to use rough interpolation on an image which is originally mxn values and convert it to an MxN matrix where each value from mxn gets duplicated nearby. So if my mxn matrix is:
A = [1 2 3;4 5 6]
A m = 2, n = 3 matrix and I want to interpolate by M = 2, N = 2 then my new matrix would be m*M x n*N (4×6 in this example):
A_int = [1 1 2 2 3 3; 1 1 2 2 3 3; 4 4 5 5 6 6; 4 4 5 5 6 6]
The code I'm using works fine but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this. Essentially it'll copy row 1 and repeat it M times downwards, then take row 2 and copy it M times downward, etc. Then take column 1 and copy it N times to the right, then column 2, etc.
function M_save = sample_interpolation(M, m, n)
[rows, cols, chs] = size(M); %determine the size of the incoming matrix
rows_new = rows * m; %calculate the size of the new matrix
cols_new = cols * n;
M_save = uint8(zeros(rows_new, cols_new, chs)); %create a new matrix full of zeros
a = 1:m:rows_new; %incremental value in step size of m
b = 1:n:cols_new; %incremental value in step size of n
M_save(a,b,:) = M(:,:,:); %save each incremented value as the value from the original matrix
for a = 1:m:rows_new %from the first row to the last skipping rows of zeros
for i = 1:m-1 %from the current row to the n-1 row upstream
M_save(i+a,:,:) = M_save(a,:,:); %save the value from a position in i+a

for a = 1:n:cols_new %from the first col to the last skipping rows of zeros
for i = 1:n-1 %from the current col to the m-1 row upstream
M_save(:,a+i,:) = M_save(:,a,:); %save the value from a position in i+a
figure('Name','Sample Effect')
title([num2str(m),'x' ,num2str(n),' interpolation'])

Best Answer

Assuming you're on R2015b or later, this is extremely easy:

A = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
M = 2;
N = 2;
A_int = repelem(A, M, N)