MATLAB: Moving scroll index in a ui figure

moving window in ui figureprogrammatically selectscrolluitable

Using previos thread , I am raising new topic
Refer for more details:
Please see the attached figures "uit_figure.PNG" & "DropMenu_list.PNG"
  • How to Implement moving scroll index in a uit figure where cell is highlighted with a text color?
If index is 25 , then I want the select the cell highlighted . For next index say 26,27, 28 and so on . then each selected cell should be highlighted as moving index in the figure uit_figure.PNG
  • Cell selection is done from the DropDown Menu Variables as shown in the DropMenu_list.PNG

Best Answer

TL;DR: Don't waste your time, it's not currently possible in AppDesigner (r2019b).
Programmatically scrolling to a specific row and column of a UITable in App Designer is not currently possible (r2019b).
As of r2019b programmatically selecting a cell in a UITable is possible when the UITable is created by uitable() and is embedded in a figure created by figure() by using java methods (see this answer) but this does not work with AppDesigner UITables. This method soon will not work for regular UITables either since it requires a function that uses the JavaFrame property and javacomponent function which will no longer be supported by Matlab in future releases.