MATLAB: Most efficient way to search in text arrays


Dear All,
I have a large array of textual information (model element IDs). In this array, I frequently have to find the index of particular IDs. What is the computationally most efficient way to do this? Store the IDs in a character array, cell array of characters or string array? What is the most efficient way for indexing when working with text?
Thanks for your help! Uwe

Best Answer

Here are two possible approaches to accomplish this:
1) Use strcmp and find with string array
This option is O(n) for each lookup; in the worst case, every string in ids will be checked in order to find query. You can also use a cell array of character vectors for ids, in my test a string array was slightly faster.
>> ids = ["M1","M2", "M3"];
>> query = "M2";
>> index = find(strcmp(ids, query) == 1)
index =
2) Use containers.Map with char arrays as keys and indices as values
This option is O(n) to setup, but O(1) for each lookup. Meaning that regardless of how many ids are in your map, looking up each one will take the same amount of time.
>> ids = {'M1', 'M2', 'M3'};
>> indices = 1:length(ids);
>> idMap = containers.Map(ids, indices);
>> query = 'M2';
>> index = idMap(query)
index =
Here is a performance comparison. At each size increment the average time to compute 500 random queries was measured for each approach. Each approach used the same set of queries at each size increment. In my case, for less than ~1000 elements, find with strcmp is faster. But as the number of elements grows, containers.Map is the clear winner.