MATLAB: Save() and load() Variables in Object of correct Class


map = containers.Map();
map('key') = 'value';
strg = 'string';
save('workspace6.mat', 'map', 'strg', '-v7.3');
whos -file workspace6.mat
map2 = load('workspace6.mat', 'map');
strg2 = load('workspace6.mat', 'strg');
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
map 1x1 8 containers.Map
strg 1x6 12 char
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
map - 8 containers.Map
strg 1x6 12 char
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
map 1x1 8 containers.Map
map2 1x1 184 struct
strg 1x6 12 char
strg2 1x1 188 struct
It seems like it knows what type is in the file. But loaded back into a workspace variable it makes everything a struct. How do I get the data as an object of the correct class (including all sub-objects, if possible)?
I tried with and without '-v7.3' arguemnt.

Best Answer

OK, got it:
ws = load('workspace6.mat');
map2 =;
strg2 = ws.strg;
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