MATLAB: Modify function to take input argument of marker

add inputchange markerfunction plot markermarkerplotclusters

In this data cluster function the plot marker by default is '.'
I want to add a input argument to the function that will let me set the marker manually for separate inputs.
The modified function will be of the form
function []=PlotClusters(Data,IDX,Centers,point_marker,Colors)
Can someone please tell how to do this?

Best Answer

I don't recommend editing the source code because 1) you'll have to repeate those edits every time the file is updated and 2) it's a lot more work than the first proposal below.
Proposal 1: change the marker type after plotting
Instead, just identify all of the points marked by '.' and replace the marker type.
PlotClusters(Data,IDX,Centers,Colors); % run the code
axh = gca; % get the axis handle
h = findobj(axh, 'Marker', '.'); % find all objects that have marker '.'
set(h, 'Marker', 'x') % change the marker type
Proposal 2: change the function
If you must edit the source code to specify the marker type, you'll need to make these changes:
% 1) Replace the first line
% function []=PlotClusters(Data,IDX,Centers,Colors)
function []=PlotClusters(Data,IDX,Centers,Colors,Marker)
%2) Replace this line
% plot(Data(IDX == i,1),Data(IDX == i,2),'.','Color',Colors(i,:))
plot(Data(IDX == i,1),Data(IDX == i,2),Marker,'Color',Colors(i,:))
%3) Replace this line
% plot3(Data(IDX == i,1),Data(IDX == i,2),Data(IDX == i,3),'.','Color',Colors(i,:))
plot3(Data(IDX == i,1),Data(IDX == i,2),Data(IDX == i,3),Marker,'Color',Colors(i,:))
%4) Replace this line
% case 4 %All data is given just need to check consistency
case {4,5} %All data is given just need to check consistency
%5 After the switch add these lines
if nargin < 5 || isempty(Marker)
Marker = '.';
* Not tested!
** I recommend the first proposal!