MATLAB: ModelWorkpace disappear under model explorer on R2010bSP1


I am facing this issue on Matlab R2010bSP1. For my model When I am running script which is having one cammand called "get_param(gcb, 'systemBounds')", it disappear the ModelWorkspace from Model Hierarchy in Model Explorer. This happends only on matlab 2010b and not on R2007b. Can you please help me in retaining it without closing my model?
Note: If I reopen my model it retains the modelworkspace but I want it to retain without closing my model.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I got resolution for this issue.
gcb (block) dont have the parameter called systembound, So insteadof gcb I should use gcs then it works.
Also if you are subsyem name insteadof gcs them that subsyem should be open before the execution of command get_param(CurrentSystem, systemBounds)
Thanks.. :-)