MATLAB: How to find block Priorities in model using m-script

block prioritiesMATLABsimulink

I would like find block priorities in complete model. I tried to find like below code
allblocks = find_system(bdroot(gcs));
for k=1: length(allblocks)
Priorities= get_param(eachBlock,'Priority');
When I run this code I am getting below error: "Parameter 'Priority' is ignored when 'SolverType' is variable-step"
Please, could someone help me on this?

Best Answer

Looks like this only happens when that eachBlock variable is referring to a model (and not an individual block).
You can filter your search to include only blocks, and not models. Also, you could remove the for-loop since you can pass in a cell array of block names into get_param. Try this:
blocks = find_system(bdroot,'Type','Block');
priorities = get_param(blocks,'Priority');
- Sebastian