MATLAB: Missing patch face color

edge colorface colorpatch

Hi there
I am trying to add FaceColor property to a patch, but I must be missing something as only the edges are showing up.
The patch is the 95% confidence interval for a line (to be added later).
My code snippet is:
h = patch([x fliplr(x)], [yCI95(1,:)+yMean fliplr(yCI95(2,:)+yMean)],'b');
Which gives me a line outline of the confidence interval (in black) but no face colour (see plot attached)
I would really appreciate some pointers. I haven't been able to make much of the 'patch' MATLAB pages, and comparing with lines of code in which the patch face colour worked has not clarified the issue for me. Many thanks in advance everyone!

Best Answer

Check if all your data do not contain NaN, Inf or such.
all(isfinite(x(:))) && all(isfinite(yCI95(:))) && all(isfinite(yMean(:)))
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