MATLAB: Mex -setup (SDK-7.1 for matlab 2020b)

MATLABmex compiler

In normally, I am using matlab 2016b and when I wrote mex -setup on the workspace, I can select the windows sdk 7.1 as shown in figure 1.
But now, I want to use matlab 2020b on the same computer. I have installed matlab 2020b and when I wrote mex -setup
I couldn't find the microsoft windows SDK 7.1 as shown in figure 2. How to use microsoft windows SDK 7.1 for the matlab 2020b? What is the solution?

Best Answer

The solution is to use a different compiler, as the SDK 7.1 is not supported for R2020b. You can find the full list here.
I would suggest getting the MinGW-compiler from the FileExchange. From what I understand it is not always the most efficient/best compiler, but since I started using this package around R2017b, I never had an easier setup. It. Just. Works.
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