MATLAB: Mean and standard deviation of a field – condition on another field

mean and standard deviation based on condition on a field

Hi. I am working with a structure array S (1 X 50,000) with 10 fields. I want to calculate the mean and standard deviation of field f1 based on a condition on field f2.
For example,
Here is the input,
S(1).f1=[10,20,30 40,50,60] and S(1).f2=[100,20,50,60,70,140];
S(2).f1=[56,98,74,87,99] and S(2).f2=[101,54,69,20,11]
S(3).f1=… and S(3).f2=…..
S(4).f1=. and S(4).f2=…..
S(i).f1=. and S(i).f2=….
I want to calculate the mean of f1 elements whose corresponding f2 field values are 50 < f2 <=100
Meaning, S(1).f1=[10,40,50] and S(2).f1=[98,74] should be considered in calculation of mean.
I want to calculate several mean values of f1 based on different conditions on f2.

Best Answer

How can I get one single (explicit) mean and standard deviation?
F=F1(F2>50 & F2<=100);