MATLAB: Iterations on field conditions of a structure array

iterations on field conditions of a structure array

Hi. I am working with a structure array S (1 X 50,000) with 10 fields. I want to find few paramters based on few conditions. Is there a simple way to do such iterations shown below using a loop and save them in a structure?
f1 = [S.f1];
f2 = [S.f2];
f3 = [S.f3];
idx1 = f1 > 0 & f1 <=10;
% Parameter 1

num1 = numel(f1(idx1));
avg1 = mean(f2(idx));
sd1 = std(f2(idx));
% Parameter 2

idx2 = f3 > 0;
idx = idx1 & idx2;
pos_num1 = numel(f1(idx));
pos_avg1 = mean(f2(idx));
pos_sd1 = std(f2(idx));
% Parameter 3

idx2 = f3 < 0;
idx = idx1 & idx2;
neg_num1 = numel(f1(idx));
neg_avg1 = mean(f2(idx));
neg_sd1 = std(f2(idx));
idx1 = f1 > 10 & f1 <=20;
% Parameter 1
num2 = numel(f1(idx1));
avg2 = mean(f2(idx));
sd2 = std(f2(idx));
% Parameter 2
idx2 = f3 > 0;
idx = idx1 & idx2;
pos_num2 = numel(f1(idx));
pos_avg2 = mean(f2(idx));
pos_sd2 = std(f2(idx));
% Parameter 3
idx2 = f3 < 0;
idx = idx1 & idx2;
neg_num2 = numel(f1(idx));
neg_avg2 = mean(f2(idx));
neg_sd2 = std(f2(idx));
% so on till 20 interations.
The result should be saved like:
.. so on.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

It is not very clear from your explanation what you are trying to accomplish. If you are trying to iterate using indices that satisfy some conditions, you should make a matrix with each column containing indices of vector 'f1' that satisfy the required conditions. For example,
idx_list = [(f1 > 0 & f1 <= 10) (f1 > 10 & f1 <= 20) (f1 > 20 & f1 <= 30)];
idx_list_size = 3;
num_list = zeros(idx_list_size, 1);
And iterate in the following way:
for i=1:idx_list_size
num_list(i) = numel(f1(idx_list(:, i)));