MATLAB: Maximum and minimum of each columns of a cell array

cell arraymatrixmaximumminimum

I have a cell array of 1×16. In each cell there is a number of columns and rows data. I want to find maximum and minimum of each column of each data i.e data{1,1},data{1,2}…{1,16} ans store in a matrix so that i can plot the graph. how do i find out maximum and minimum of such cell array data and store in a a matrix? I have attached the screenshot for clear understanding.

Best Answer

I’m not certain how your cell array is organised, so see if this works with your data:
Data = {randi(99, 9), randi(99, 9), randi(99, 9)}; % Create Data
Max_Col_Cell = cellfun(@max, Data, 'Uni',0); % Cell Array Of Maximum Column Values
Max_Col_Num = cell2mat(Max_Col_Cell'); % Convert To Numeric Array