MATLAB: How to concatenate 2 cell arrays

cell array

Hi, I am attempting to concatenate 2 cell arrays such that the dimensions of the concatenated cell array are 2215 x 1, with each cell containing a 2 x 900 double. Each of the component cell arrays ahs dimensions of 2215 x 1 with each cell containing a 1 x 900 double. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

FirstCell = num2cell(randi(9, 15, 9), 2);
SecondCell = num2cell(randi(9, 15, 9), 2);
ans = 1×2
15 1
ans = 1×2
1 9
output = cellfun(@(a,b) [a;b], FirstCell, SecondCell, 'uniform', 0);
ans = 1×2
15 1
ans = 1×2
2 9