MATLAB: Matrix manipulation using strcmp


Forgive me if this is a simple question that I should be able to answer myself, but I've been struggling with the proper use of this for a few days now. I'm a relatively novice MatLab user.
I have a 2xn matrix. The left column is made up of strings, the right values associated with those strings, like this
OL 4
WR 7
OL 3
AT 2
What I've been trying to do is use strcmp to pick a particular sring and then return its associated value in a new 2xm matrix consisting solely of the string (for example 'OL' and the values associated with each.
This seems like a simple problem, however, I'm stuck.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Best Answer

a = {'OL',4;'WR',7;'OL',3;'AT',2}
c=arrayfun(@(x) strcmp(x,'OL'),{a{:,1}});