MATLAB: Matrix creation which identify link of vehicles

code generation

I've a matrix 61312*3.
1st column: from 1 to 81 (Origin place of a vehicle) 2nd column: from 1 to 81 (Destination place of a vehicle) 3rd column: from 1 to 246 (where the vehicle has surveyed)
There are 61312 observation (no. of rows) at 246 locations.
I need to create a matrix which shows that from origin (1 to 81) to Destination (1 to 81) which location (1 to 246) these vehicle follow. I think the order of the matrix will be 81*81.
Kindly let me know how should I proceed. thanks in advance.

Best Answer

[a,~,ii] = unique(A(:,2));
[b,~,jj] = unique(A(:,3));
out1 = accumarray([ii,jj],A(:,1),[max(ii), max(jj)],@(x){x});
out = [[{nan};num2cell(a(:))],[num2cell(b(:)');out1]];