MATLAB: Code for Base Matrix

code generation

Hello All.
I've a matrix, A=61312*3
1st column: from 1 to 246 (survey no, total 61312 surveys at 246 location, for a vehicle from origin to destination) 2nd column: from 1 to 81 (Origin) 3rd column: from 1 to 81 (Destination)
I need to create a base matrix (81*81) which shows the no. of vehicles among these origins and destinations.
Kindly help me out.

Best Answer

[a,~,ii] = unique(A(:,2));
[b,~,jj] = unique(A(:,3));
out1 = accumarray([ii,jj],A(:,1),[max(ii), max(jj)],@(x){x});
out = [[{nan};num2cell(a(:))],[num2cell(b(:)');out1]];
out1 = accumarray([ii,jj],1);
out = [[nan;a(:)],[b(:)';out1]];