MATLAB: Matlab Trial Version Download

MATLABtrial matlab howtohaveit

Why can't I buy the trial version of this app? I've completed the following steps: I created an account, and then I completed a form that was required to continue the process, involving my county, my telephone number and my university( though I put in the highschool as I'm a M1 student). Then the form from the picture popped up. It doesn't make sense. All those fields are starred as of being required, but I don't have a job. And only because of that I can't have the trial? I hope you could enlighten me about this. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I believe your job is a "student". The rest seem like survey questions to help MathWorks determine interest, which seems like a fair trade - 30-day trial for survey. Also, the university you're in might already have a license for students to use. Check the university website.
LASTLY: I recommend deleting the image you posted since it has your personal email address on it (unless you're okay with it...).
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